Thursday, May 29, 2014

Second Week at MTC

Hi everyone!  Hope everything is going well back home!  Happy Birthday Olivia!  Its too bad I'm not there for everything, but I'm there in spirit.  This week, nothing super exciting happened, except for a couple things.  It was pretty much like last week with the same type of lesson schedule.  I did figure out how to put pictures up!  Guess who came for our Tuesday devotional this week?!  Russel M. Nelson came and gave us a short talk about being missionaries, and how we need to teach investigators, or people not lessons.  There was one quote that was super funny, "having character is better than being one".  I thought that it was pretty funny.  During my P day last week, after I was done emailing, we went and played volleyball, and then to the temple.  It was very nice to finally have a day off. 
The hermanas that were in our zone left this past Monday for Mexico!  It was cool to have them in our zone, and we got 6 new missionaries this week!  4 hermanas, 2 elders.  One of them is 6'7"! I'm not the tallest person in our zone anymore!  They all seem like nice people, and I'm sure they are.  I also got to see Tevin yesterday!  He was one of my roommates in school, and I knew he was coming in, and I saw him in the Cafeteria, and went over and talked with him for a bit.  It was good to see another person I knew.

Okay, so in this email I have 5 pictures included, I will send another email with just pictures because I can only get 5 to fit.  There are some pictures of me at the temple, and one of my companion.  Oh and by the way, he speaks 5 languages now, swahili, kerundi, french, English, and Spanish.  In the next email I will send some pictures of us at the big map.  I'll try to remember to get lots more pictures with the rest of my district today.

Spanish is coming along pretty good so far.  We did this thing on Monday, where we meet some volunteer members who let the missionaries teach them a lesson in Spanish, and it was pretty cool and fun.  Our teachers also pretend to be investigators during the first hour of each class, and 2 companionships are assigned to teach them.  I think those are coming along well.  We can understand the questions that they have for the most part, but the hard part is responding in Spanish.

I realized I might need a couple things in the package you send me.  I could use some more socks for gym time or P day, some of my socks disappeared, and they might be in my room but I don't think so.  I could also use some eye drops, I don't know what it is out here, but my eyes get itchy a lot.  Also, send lots of pictures of back home.  Some of the elders in my district got pictures of them, and their families and should them to us, maybe you could send some to me like that.

Thanks for all of the letters, keep writing lots!  That's great that other people want to know more about the church because they hear that I'm serving a mission!  Tell lots of people to write me!  Getting letters is the best.  My time is almost up, so goodbye!  Happy Birthday Olivia!! don't have too much fun without me!  Good luck with school, its almost summer!  I'll email again next week!

Love- Elder Austin Carey

Elder Carey and his companion at the Provo Temple

Elder Carey and his companion at the MTC

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